offshore fishing big game deep fishing vertical Jig



  Burning and equipment  

You can not say that the techniques of bolentino are always easy. On the contrary just climb in aspirations, to honour and size of prey that is the usual damsels, boghe, spigarelli, serrani, horse mackerel and the like, bolentino gradually becomes more demanding until the proper and true art. This fishing can be carried out starting at minimum distances from the coast at depths of a few meters, reaching the distant dried on the high tens and tens of miles on the seabed very high. Classification of three types of bolentino, technical and equipment.

  Choice of cane  
  Deep fishing Cernia

 1) Bolentino coastal up to 2 miles from ground and up to 30 meters in depth.
 2) Bolentino half offshore from 2 / 6 miles from the shore or seabed by 30/100 m.
 3) Bolentino offshore from 6 to 30 miles from the coast with depths from 100 to 400.   
 1) bolentino at anchor.

 2) bolentino in drift.

 3) with the rod and reel

 4) with rod and eletric reel

 4) with line by hand.


The hooks normally be a shovel, tin, straight or slightly storti, short-stemmed, in sizes from 13 to 20 for coastal fisheries closely, from 15 to 12 to fish offshore half, from 13 to 9 on Fisheries large hill.

The monofilament must be long or almost double compared to the seabed. resistance standards good for all uses is 30 pounds for the dacron and 0.50 for nylon

Final nylon line of resistance equal or very often slightly less than that of leader

It is recalled that six hooks is the maximum allowed by law for deep-sea fishing


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